Research project

Sustainable Management of International Partnerships for Cultural Heritage Digitization in Brazil                         
International public–private partnerships for the digitization of cultural heritage present several unsustainable aspects. There is therefore a need for a deeper understanding of which practices should be implemented to sustainably manage these collaborations. This research aims to investigate this topic using a case study analysis of two international PPPs for the digitization of modernist cultural heritage in Brazil. The analysis highlights relevant managerial choices that led these projects to positively impact local social, economic, and environmental development, thus bringing early insights to advance the academic and practice discussions on the above-mentioned topic.

Authors: Elena Borin and Luca Rossato


"The Cultural Heritage of 20th century in Brazil.
Research paths for the preservation of the modernist legacy"

Authors: Wilson Florio, Luca Rossato, Ana Tagliari


"When Brazil and India were modernist. Processes of digital documentation for the preservation of 20th century architectures"

Author: Luca Rossato

Conference poster

"Parallel narratives of Modernism: India & the World"

Author: Chaitra Sharad


"Guia da Arquitectura Moderna Porto 1925-2002"  

Authors: Fatima Fernandes & Michele Cannatà


"Moderno Escondido"

Editors: Fatima Fernandes & Michele Cannatà


"Oscar Niemeyer: possiveis outros olhares"

Editors: Anna Paula Canez, Wilson Florio, Alex Carvalho Brino


"Drawing Space in the Places of Myth: Luigi Moretti and Sicily"in  DISEGNO (8), 131-142, 2021

Author: Salvatore Damiano